Night Visual Flight Rules

What does VFR Night training entail?
In order to fly in VFR conditions between sunset and sunrise, the pilot must complete the Night VFR rating training. The night VFR rating is also a prerequisite for the commercial CPL(A) licence and the instrument rating.
Ground School
The theoretical training comprises 4 hours of classes. During that time, our instructors will teach you the specificity of operating an aircraft at night in order to make your practical training a safe and satisfying experience.

Flight Training
The flight training is made up of 5 hours during which you will be trained to take-off, land and use conventional navigation in night conditions. There is no skill test required after this training
The whole course is completed in one of the best and most modern single engine training aircraft – the Tecnam P2008JC. Our fleet of Tecnams P2008JC is exclusively equipped with the latest Garmin technology – the G3x Touch.
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